Superguide Interview – Retirement

Joe was interviewed by Robert Barnes from Superguide at the Profession of Independent Advisers Symposium in Canberra in 2019.

Special Report for Family Business

We’ve spoken with family business owners and specialist family business advisors across both Australia and the US to uncover the most pressing issues facing you today. DOWNLOAD REPORT HERE

The 7 roles of a Financial Advisor

When you think of a Financial Advisor, you might see us playing one role. Jim Parker, Vice President of DFA Australia, believes good Financial Advisors actually play seven roles. And he describes these, and their benefits to you. Many people still think an advisor’s only role is to deliver market-beating returns year after year. However, […]

Global Investing: Looking beyond our market.

Everybody loves the comforts of home, but investors who become too anchored to familiar territory can end up with a very narrow view of the world. Jim Parker is the Vice President of DFA Australia Limited and he helps explain that when it comes to investing, it can pay to look beyond your local market! […]

Is the grass really greener?

Not all advisors are made the same. There are many benefits of long term relationships with a trusted advisor, as they are in the best position to navigate you away from things you didn’t see coming, and steer you in the right direction during times of uncertainty. For example after a sudden stock market dip. […]

Reducing the high cost of opinions

Every year you’ll hear a wide range of financial predictions from a range of experts.  What do these predictions really mean – and just how many of them come true? The results should NOT surprise you. Do these headlines / predictions / opinions sound familiar? 2017 Revealed: The property bubble will burst Look out! 2017 […]

What to expect in our first meeting

Before we see a potential client for their first “Discovery Meeting”, we seek to review the client’s financial situation. This means the first meeting focuses on analysis, review and discovery of goals, rather simply becoming a ‘fact finding’ mission. That’s why we’ll ask potential clients to complete some basic homework for us prior to the […]

A lap band for your income

We find that many people focus on their expenditure – without focusing on their goals. After creating an understanding of your goals and objectives, we devise strategies that will enable you to achieve these. However, as the word “budget” sometimes conjures up negative thoughts about reduced spending, we prefer to refer to it as “Lap […]

What do Business Owners with a family often neglect?

The lives of our clients are particularly complex. Putting together a plan that simplifies matters is so important. It will reduce uncertainty and help maintain your lifestyle. It will also remove a lot of stress from your life. We met Paul & Kathryn and discovered, like most people, they have high lifestyle expectations. They wanted […]

The Planner that helped Jennifer speak out against Kerry Packer

I absolutely love this article! Those who benefit most from financial planners wish not only to trust advice but to understand and continue to receive education which ultimately leads to empowerment and confidence in many critical life decisions. See how Jennifer Byrne of ‘The Book Club’ on ABC was able to speak out against Kerry Packer and […]

UNEARTHED! The business nest egg fallacy

Relying on your small business for your retirement can be a foolish strategy. Many family Business Owners fear they could become the sinking ship. That is, the one who brings the business [and eventually] their family down. Many of the Business Owners that we see have a passion for their business, they deal with a […]

Dreaming of a three day working week? Here’s your reality!

Many people, who are clear on their personal financial goals – move towards a three day working week sooner. With the festive season upon us, how’s your work life balance? Did 2015 see you achieve more family time while earning the income you hoped for? Here’s our tips to help turn 2016 into the stepping […]

The dirty habits of being cashed up!

Just because you are income wealthy does not mean you are set up for life. There’s an old saying, look after the cents as the dollars will look after themselves. This means, watch the little purchases – these quickly add up. In our experience, we’ve often seen the greater the income, the more unaccountable people […]

How Independent Financial Advice adds more to your life

As experienced Financial Planners, we identified the advice that we believe is best for our clients, can only be as good as the structure we operate within. The vast majority of financial advisors in Australia who insinuate they are independent – are not. If a financial advisor receives commissions or is aligned with a licensee […]

A fisherman discovers the value of money after one conversation

This is a classic tale – and still relevant to you today and helps clarify the real value of money and the importance of individual plans A powerful executive was walking along the beach in a small coastal village. He noticed a small boat with just one fisherman. Inside the small boat were several large […]

The Value of Patience

One legendary investor, in an interview a few years ago, was asked to name the single most important thing he had learned over 70 years in the markets. He replied with a single word: “patience”. Patience can be hard because it requires self-control. But that’s also where its value lies. When it comes to investing, […]

Stock picking your way to poor performance

Recently we have had some client conversations justifying our position that trying to predict which investments will provide superior performance long term will provide a substandard result.  We continually assert that there is an abundance of information that indicates that the majority of fund managers (managing portfolios on client’s behalf) can not consistently outperform the market […]

A 4 stock portfolio? Really?

In response to Marcus Padley from the Age – Click Here Harold – a four stock portfolio? Really?  I can see what you’re cooking and I believe it’s based upon a recipe for disaster. So, we have Harold (a retiree) who lives the retirement dream and thinks his dream should be solely supported by the […]

Tip Top Bread in the 80’s

A loaf of Bread cost 54c in 80’s.  Now this Tip Top cost me over $3. An increase of 5 times the cost.  I call Inflation a ‘Silent Killer’ as it quietly and slowly erodes the purchasing power of the money we have saved. A $200,000 portfolio over 20 years will lose $33,000 from this […]