What do Business Owners with a family often neglect?

The lives of our clients are particularly complex. Putting together a plan that simplifies matters is so important. It will reduce uncertainty and help maintain your lifestyle. It will also remove a lot of stress from your life.

We met Paul & Kathryn and discovered, like most people, they have high lifestyle expectations. They wanted to continually meet these expectations – without having to worry about the performance of their business.

Watch how Paul & Kathryn reduced their worry:

business owner in focusvideo







Managing a successful service based business, Paul identified that he needed to “tidy” up his personal financial affairs. He wanted objective independent advice that would guide him to set up his family for the future.

Paul & Kathryn sought advice from us on a range of financial planning matters that had very real impact on where and how they live, how much they can retire on and funding their children’s futures.

Stephan Strategic organised everything. Paul & Kathryn received more than they expected from a Financial Advisor and could depend on their trusted advisor for all aspects of their personal financial life.

As truly Independent Financial Advisors, we are privately owned and have no affiliations with any third party supplier. This means, any third party we recommend will not be aligned with us or influence us financially us in anyway. They will not pay us any commissions or incentives. Every piece of advice we give you – is entirely in your best interest.

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