How Can You Get Your Kids Involved with Giving and Philanthropy?

The families with the strongest legacies are not necessarily the ones that build the most wealth. Instead, the families with enduring legacies are those that have a strong sense of identity and that are unified over a shared set of values. It is easy for family wealth to be destroyed in a generation through disputes, […]

How charitable families keep the spirit of giving alive

For many families we work with, giving is part of their DNA. It might be giving financially, by donating to charities they support, or giving time, and giving back to the community. It might be sitting on boards of charitable organisations. For some families, their potential to become significantly charitable increases as the security of […]

Special Report for Family Business

We’ve spoken with family business owners and specialist family business advisors across both Australia and the US to uncover the most pressing issues facing you today. DOWNLOAD REPORT HERE

5 Reasons to Make Philanthropy a Family Affair

A growing number of successful people have a strong urge to “pay it forward” by financially supporting causes and organisations that are near and dear to their hearts. Many business owners already make regular charitable contributions. Once you become successful, your focus can extend to how you can help others who may not be as […]